Downloading and Installing Criticali - Screen Dumps

Go to and click on the highlighted link


Click on the link to download "obm-win.exe" half way down the page


You get the option to run or save - choose Run


You get a progress bar as it is downloading


When the download is complete, Windows may ask you if you are sure you want to run this software. Choose Run


You will get prompted for the language. Choose English


Click Next on the Welcome dialog box


Accept the agreement and the click on Next


Normally you would accept the default installation folder. Click on Next


Normally you would accept the default Start Menu folder. Click on Next


If prompted for which group to use, normally you would choose everyone. Click on Next


Click on Install to start the installation


A progress bar is displayed while the installation is taking place


Click on Finish to complete the installation


You should then see a dialog box asking for your name and password. Click on the options button


Enter you name, password, and "" for the backup server. Select "save password" if you wish. Press OK


If your firewall prompts you, enable this new software


Et Voila! You're in!